Airflow Management: Utilize the air circulation system that promotes natural airflow in the cigar cooler, eliminating temperature fluctuations and deterring localized mold, thereby protecting the quality of your cigars.
Capacious Elegance: With a large 50L capacity accommodating up to 300 rolls of cigars, this electric cigar humidor cabinet is your ultimate storage solution for a robust collection.
Innovative Cooling:Experience the power of semiconductor refrigeration technology in our electric cigar humidor, ensuring a silent operation, eco-friendly efficiency, and optimal preservation of your prized cigars.
Precision at Your Fingertips: Take charge with touch-controlled temperature and humidity settings, maintaining interior climates between 15-22°C (59-72°F) and humidity levels ranging from 60% to 75%, ensuring your cigars age gracefully.
Crafted for Connoisseurs: Revel in the seamless functionality of our electric humidor for cigars, designed with a digital LED screen, safety lock feature, and Spanish Cedar wood shelves, marrying sophistication with functionality for the modern cigar aficionado.